Those who know me know that I enjoy a good shop. This is not to say that I love spending excess amounts of money. To the contrary, I love to shop sales and find great stuff at a good price. This is my thing. I knew that my shopping in Ro. would be limited. Cata warned me that the quality of many products is low, the prices are high, and sales are rare. Fortunately he was a bit misinformed on the shopping here- there are some good...
We've just returned from a week long stay in Mediaş , Romania. It is a town of about 65,000 people in the Transylvanian region of Romania. Meeting family and eating new foods (everyday) took a lot of energy. By the train ride back all I wanted was to have a meal placed in front of me that A) I recognized B) could pronounce C) knew for certain that I liked. Whining aside, I was really happy to meet Cata's mom, Viorica and the rest...
lunch at tushi doina's
Tushi Doina (tu-shee doy-nuh) is Catalin's aunt. Tushi translates to 'aunt' in English. I met her briefly on my first day here. Usually Cata goes over to his aunt and uncle's house each Sunday to share a meal and talk. I was excited to finally meet Cata's family (ok and a little bit nervous). The meal she prepared was so beautiful. The table was set with fine crystal and spirits. I felt overwhelmed that she had done all of this...
welcome flowers
We shot a music video today. Replace is a rock band whose members are all good friends of Cata. They asked us to help with their music video and we happily obliged. The video took place inside of Casa Presei Libere. It is a communist era building that housed the "free press". Today it is mainly office space and still home to many news outlets. Still the structure feels oppressive when you're standing in its shadow. Perhaps it...
Mexicanca translates to Mexican (female) in Romanian. This Mexican female was ready to cause a revolution in Bucharest yesterday. "I refuse to believe that there are no tortillas of any kind in Bucharest" I told Cata. How could it be?! My chicken taco dinner, already half prepared, was in peril. The chicken and rice were taken care of, we just needed tortillas. You know that aisle in the grocery store that has international foods?...
just arrived: phone pics
I've arrived. My journey was long and stressful at times but I made it. So far I have been in the city for two days. It is a big city with lots of beautiful architecture. Things have been very busy here. Lots to do and take care of when you move to a new country. I am very glad that we got my cell phone on the first day. It is my first smartphone, I love it already. Here are a few shots I've taken so far. I promise more sophisticated...