

Protests, Blizzards & Ballet- Oh my!

Bucharest has been alive with activity the entire month of January. A summary in three acts:

ACT I:  We began the new year with several days of protest in the streets. Most of them were calm but things did get violent for a few nights with large rocks being hurled at the riot police plus a bit of vandalism in the city center. Catalin photographed everything as it unfolded, and did so exceptionally well in my opinion. You can see his photos here.

ACT II: As a reward for the unseasonably warm weather we had been having the first half of the month a snow storm blew into town. Yup, my first blizzard. Oh joy. Trees fell, people got stranded in their cars and some poor dogs had to be rescued as they were buried under the snow.  On a positive note, the awful weather made for a good excuse to bake a cake, have a few friends over, and drink vin fiert (hot spiced wine). Mmm.

ACT III: Right when the dreary weather was threatening to leave me utterly depressed with winter, a surprise invitation arrived to watch Swan Lake performed by the Kiev Ballet Company! I had never been you see, so I was literally giddy with excitement. Also, in all honesty, it was a welcome excuse to wear pretty things and get dolled up (as opposed to layered up against the cold). The seats were niiiiiiiiice and the performance was magical. I loved everything about the ballet: costumes, music, dancing, and no subtitles required ;)  Below: A photograph from the show taken by Cata. And below that a 'trailer' for Swan Lake-- different ballet company but no matter, you still get the idea.

My story:

Girl meets boy.
Love strikes.
Boy moves to Romania,
girl (now engaged) follows suit.

I'll be living abroad for the first time in my life beginning January 11th 2011. Follow this blog if you want to see my adventures.