

Little things

I made a new friend this week. Morning or evening, I see her on my route to the metro. She's my main supplier for the apartment. Her clothes show the slight wear that comes from careful preservation over years of use but her smile is as fresh as the flowers she sells."Cinci lei, cinci lei" she says showing me this week's colorful batch from the garden. During our short conversations I usually tumble through Romanian (Good morning! How much? This one please. Thank you. See you next time.) What the language barrier can't block is the sharing of a smile. Mine coming from admiration at someone who is so kind and hard working. Hers warm and bright, revealing a map of soft wrinkles.

Yesterday she totally had my back. When I stopped to buy flowers another vendor started bagging prunes for me to buy (I did not want or ask for prunes). As I started to hesitate in Romanian, feeling like I should just buy the prunes. She looked at me and silently signaled "no" while the prune vendor's back was turned. There it was, the little confidence boost I needed. "Nu, multumesc frumos" came out clear and firm. I took my flowers and said goodbye; this time I couldn't stop smiling.
This week I bought Catalin flowers and he surprised me by coming home with a book. I love that my future husband surprises me with books.

Vienna revisited.

No, I did not go back to Prague or Vienna but I did happen upon a folder of forgotten pictures. All were taken with my old (but great) Canon Powershot.

Summer wrap-up

I've been everywhere this summer--in a good way. After seven weeks on the run, my travels brought me home for good (or at least a good while). Normal feels nice. No more airports, carry-ons, or long drives. Just a cup of coffee who's familiar taste I'd been missing all summer and breakfast with my future husband. Hello Bucharest, I think I missed you a bit.
 ↑Two week tour of Transylvania. Find more photos on my photography blog here.

 My first inclination upon returning home was to do nothing. By nothing I mean staying home to redesign my photography website, watch all the tv shows I had missed, catch up with friends abroad on google phone and nap. Saturday was bliss. Sunday Cata and I joined friends at Summer Well, a music festival  held on about 65 acres of private property just outside of Bucharest. Photos:
At Summer Well.
Dinner with Unchiu Vasi and Tusi Doina at Le Teatru.

My story:

Girl meets boy.
Love strikes.
Boy moves to Romania,
girl (now engaged) follows suit.

I'll be living abroad for the first time in my life beginning January 11th 2011. Follow this blog if you want to see my adventures.