

Trashy trails- the littering problem in Romania

We went to Remet this weekend for Viorica's 66th birthday. It is about a two hour drive from Medias into the mountains. You'll find lots of little cabins in the area, hikers, and camp grounds. The hike was beautiful but this pile of trash along the path was not. Littering is a big problem in Romania. Walk, ride or drive through the country's cities and you'll see piles of trash along the roadway, along train tracks, and...

Summer outside the city - Medias

After doing a few calculations to see if it was even possible, Cata and I decided to swap Bucharest for Medias this summer. We've been here for a month so far and I don't regret that decision one bit. Home cooking, cool summer evenings, grilled everything, and family-  It sure is nice to be home. All we are missing is a visit from our dear Bucharest friends, hai la noi! Grillin...

My story:

Girl meets boy.
Love strikes.
Boy moves to Romania,
girl (now engaged) follows suit.

I'll be living abroad for the first time in my life beginning January 11th 2011. Follow this blog if you want to see my adventures.