

Spring in Bucharest 2012


Night of Museums - Noaptea Muzeelor

Grand staircase of the former royal palace (now the National Art Museum) about 4am. Photo by Catalin Abag...

Day trip: Ruse, Bulgaria

I did it! Took the 1 hour drive to Ruse, Bulgaria. These are a few outtakes from the days photos, to see more visit my photography blog vivianphoto. ...

Bucharest Favorites (places & things)

A photograph I made of grafitti art in downtown Bucharest. I think this would make an excellent postcard don't you? A few weeks ago I was asked to submit an article detailing my favorite places/things in Bucharest for a Romanian airline's flight magazine. I know what you're thinking - who ever reads the airline magazine?! Probably not very many people but thanks to the internet I get to share my favorite places with you here....

Perks of Shopping Lidl + Margarita Recipe

Every now and then I go by Lidl, the German discount supermarket chain, to see what interesting items they may have. Why Lidl? Well, besides having top rated olive oil at a great price they're also a unique source for ethnic food. Every few weeks they pick a type of cuisine (Chinese, French, Indian, etc.) and bring in products. There are some great finds to be had. Last week was Mexican themed which aligned perfectly...

My story:

Girl meets boy.
Love strikes.
Boy moves to Romania,
girl (now engaged) follows suit.

I'll be living abroad for the first time in my life beginning January 11th 2011. Follow this blog if you want to see my adventures.