Bucharest Favorites (places & things)
A photograph I made of grafitti art in downtown Bucharest. I think this would make an excellent postcard don't you?
A few weeks ago I was asked to submit an article detailing my favorite places/things in Bucharest for a Romanian airline's flight magazine. I know what you're thinking - who ever reads the airline magazine?! Probably not very many people but thanks to the internet I get to share my favorite places with you here....
Perks of Shopping Lidl + Margarita Recipe
Every now and then I go by Lidl, the German discount supermarket chain, to see what interesting items they may have. Why Lidl? Well, besides having top rated olive oil at a great price they're also a unique source for ethnic food. Every few weeks they pick a type of cuisine (Chinese, French, Indian, etc.) and bring in products. There are some great finds to be had. Last week was Mexican themed which aligned perfectly...