13 going on 31
Above right: This is the cake after I shaved the bottom and flipped it.I played hostess a few weeks ago and threw a birthday party of Catalin at our apartment. Why our apartment? Well here in Romania if it is your birthday tradition calls for you to pay for everyone's drinks...the *entire night*. This can be a bit pricey if you decide to party at a bar, especially since Romanians know how to throw a few back. An added incentive...
Pandora alternative
UPDATE: Songza stopped working in Romania (possibly Europe?) but another site works just fine for me, it is called Jango Best of luck!
Unlike a lot of people, I do not have a large music library. Call me lazy, but I just don't feel like having another massive thing to pour money into, backup and maintain. Photography serves that purpose just fine, believe me. This is why I love pandora so much, it does the work for me, is free,...
On the Radio
A few songs on constant replay. The last one is by a Romanian rapper! Thought some of you might be curious to hear them:This first and last songs are by Romanian artists. Also, the last video was filmed in Buchare...