

Work IT

At some point you just have to embrace winter. The other day we found a "work out" area in the park near our apartment (Cismigiu). Dorkiness ensued...

13 going on 31

Above right: This is the cake after I shaved the bottom and flipped it.I played hostess a few weeks ago and threw a birthday party of Catalin at our apartment. Why our apartment? Well here in Romania if it is your birthday tradition calls for you to pay for everyone's drinks...the *entire night*. This can be a bit pricey if you decide to party at a bar, especially since Romanians know how to throw a few back. An added incentive...

Pandora alternative

UPDATE: Songza stopped working in Romania (possibly Europe?) but another site works just fine for me, it is called Jango Best of luck! Unlike a lot of people, I do not have a large music library. Call me lazy, but I just don't feel like having another massive thing to pour money into, backup and maintain. Photography serves that purpose just fine, believe me. This is why I love pandora so much, it does the work for me, is free,...

On the Radio

A few songs on constant replay. The last one is by a Romanian rapper! Thought some of you might be curious to hear them:This first and last songs are by Romanian artists. Also, the last video was filmed in Buchare...

My story:

Girl meets boy.
Love strikes.
Boy moves to Romania,
girl (now engaged) follows suit.

I'll be living abroad for the first time in my life beginning January 11th 2011. Follow this blog if you want to see my adventures.