
Friday, February 11, 2011

Symphony at the Athenaeum

I went to a beautiful place tonight; Ateneul Roman. It is a concert hall built in 1888. I have rarely seen a structure in the US that is so ornate and beautiful. My cell phone pictures don't do it justice, so I've included a photo not taken by me. Also if you'd like to read more about the building's history, visit the wikipedia page. This concert, held in such a location, felt like a real treat. I was very aware that $10 (cost per ticket) in the US would not get me the same experience.

*Above: NOT at the Athenaeum. This is a window seen from within the St. Joseph's Catholic church.


My story:

Girl meets boy.
Love strikes.
Boy moves to Romania,
girl (now engaged) follows suit.

I'll be living abroad for the first time in my life beginning January 11th 2011. Follow this blog if you want to see my adventures.