We've just returned from a week long stay in Mediaş , Romania. It is a town of about 65,000 people in the Transylvanian region of Romania. Meeting family and eating new foods (everyday) took a lot of energy. By the train ride back all I wanted was to have a meal placed in front of me that A) I recognized B) could pronounce C) knew for certain that I liked. Whining aside, I was really happy to meet Cata's mom, Viorica and the rest of the family.
Highlights of the trip:
-Drinking plum brandy at a table with Cata's uncles.
-Drinking fantastic Romanian wine (also at the table, frequently)
-Fresh made bread daily
-Visiting a village founded before America was discovered.
-Sitting in Cata's hometown Greek-Catholic church. Just briefly- we didn't catch the full 2hr service. Whew.
-Seeing a beautiful Romanian landscape through my train car window.
-Eating rooster heart. It was in my soup, as I was a special guest.
Now for the fun part, the trip in pictures:
Traffic jam on the drive back to Medias (coming from another village). Honking helped.
Scenic drive to the village of
Zlagna, in Sibiu county, Romania. Strange to see the sky match the ground exactly. Sun, what sun?!
Billa is the big grocery store in town. It is about a 8 minute walk from Catalin's mom's house to the store. Saw these boys on the walk over.
This is the city center. Not seen in the picture is the quad where there are trees and benches.
Downtown Medias.
Downtown Medias.
On the train. The trip is shorter by car but we dont have one of those. Train it is! 7hrs one way. Yikes.